xmlns:fb='https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml'> How to Successfully Implement CMMS

How to Successfully Implement CMMS

Computerized Maintenance Management Software, otherwise known as CMMS, allows an organization to build a database of maintenance records, allows managers to perform cost benefit analysis of maintenance operations and also allows workers and managers to see which equipment is in need of maintenance. CMMS software can contain information about when a particular maintenance was performed on specificmachinery, sub-assemblies of machinery, or components of machinery. It can also be used to schedule maintenance, assign personnel to perform maintenance, track equipment downtime, and track materials and spare parts inventory levels or availability. The choice of a CMMS can impact the level of ROIan organization obtains. Planning and implementation methodology will also affect the success of a CMMS deployment.

How to Successfully Implement CMMS

a) Determine the objective of your CMMS. The objectives should be clear and concise. Otherwise, the implementation can result in a system that is too complex for the organization.

b) The CMMS software that is chosen should conform to your goals. It should allow for the flexibility to expand at a later date if necessary.

c) Finalize a deployment mode - either SaaS via the Cloud or On-Premise.

d) Initiate a schedule for implementation. By creating an implementation schedule, staff and managementcan keep abreast of the progress throughout the implementation.

e) All that is good or a part of the existing workforce culture can and should be used as a template for the new coding system. It is important to track and labelequipment tasks, classifications, types, KPIs, etc., with meaningful and easy to remember codes.

f) Equipment information needs to be entered or imported into the CMMS software.

g) Preventive maintenance triggers, tasks, and rules need to be entered into the CMMS software.

h) Also, if relevant for the operation, condition and predictive maintenance templates and rules need to be configured

i) Inventory, vendor, and purchasing data needs to be entered.

j) Employees need to be trained on how to use the software, then supported during the initial go-livephase, as defined in the planning process.


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